Teaching - AK Reactiondynamics

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Summer Term 2018

Catalysis II: Characterizing of Mechanisms in Catalysis (Fr, 12-14, H45)
Physical Methods II: Foundation of Computational Chemistry (will be held directly before term start WS18/19
over 2 weeks as preparation of the practical course!)

Ringvorlesung: Alles in Balance: Von Säuren und Basen (17.5.18, 8:15-10:45, H48)
Ringvorlesung: Das bewegte Elektron: Mechanismen richtig zeichnen (25.5.18, 8:15-10:45, H46)
Seminar: Präaparatives Laborpraktium OC (Tue, 17-19, H47)
Seminar: OC-I (Wed. 11-13, 12.0.19)
starting at 9.5.19

AK-Seminar: Tue, 8:30-10

Winter Term 2017/18

Module CHE MSc-M-02: Organocatalysis
starting on 15th December 2017 Fridays 12:00-14:00, H46

Module SynCat:
Applied Theoretical Chemistry
Wednesdays 10:00 - 12:00; Thursdays 12:00 - 14:00 both times in the CIP Phy 1.0.63

For news and short-term info also see unser "news board" opposite my office (CH23.1.85)


Modern Physical Organic Chemistry,  Tuesdays, 8-10 Uhr CH21.1.14

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